Bike Powered Eventsharnesses stationary bikes to create fun, engaging eventsthat gen
Born in 2002, GI is a non-profit organization working to empower individuals world-wide to think an
Introducing our state-of-the-art solar powered charging stations. Our innovative solar powered d
FAIRER Fairer wages. Fairer ingredients from ethical mines with no child labour.Fairer customer
We now have custom built electricity generating bikes available to hire for your event. Your guests
Rock The Bike | Pedal Powered Events Some of our offerings are complex enough that our crew need
Pedal Power Events We have a ‘Pedal Power’ option that is great for events that want to be
The Tiny Solar Charging House is a mobile, stand alone, battery based, solar electric power station
Looking for a desk bike to charge your phonewith human power in a public area? Our&n
Yupcharge es en sí un nuevo canal de comunicación en el punto de venta que atrae al consumidor caut
Events, festivals, and concerts are often major contributors to trash and pollution. We cut dow