But it goes beyond that. The Green My Plate system creates much needed environmental awareness and mindfulness around single-use waste. Conversations will be made and everyone involved in choosing to implement reusables will be praised for their progression and movement towards zero waste.
Green My Plate are a sustainable service aimed at eliminating single-use food packaging from events. We supply sustainably made, light-weight, event safe plates, bowls and cutlery as well as wash stations, staff and compost bins.
Our system allows us to not only reduce single-use packaging but separate food scraps from general waste bins which can then be delivered to a local composter. Our ethos is to wash, dry and reuse the plates, bowls and cutlery, creating a simple and effective cycle. This process will be of benefit to events as disposable plates, bowls and cutlery are removed from the site leaving a cleaner footprint and less waste to clean, as well as diverting waste from landfill. This can also benefit the event financially. Potential financial benefits include less waste crew, rubbish bins, skip bin and rubbish disposal.
Green My Plate is determined to make every event it is involved with as zero waste as it can possibly be. To this date Green My Plate has saved over 2000 plates from landfill and has been involved with Broadsheet, Grill for Good and The Melbourne Food and Wine Festival.
Our two bin separating system ensures that we capture all food scraps and these food scraps go into compost rather than creating harmful methane gases in landfill. We have recently been nominated for a Frankie Good Stuff Award and are also proudly part of the Worlds Most Rubbish Directory.