Powering your event the green way.
Using sustainable power has a major impact on reducing your event’s footprint. But how do you make it happen? That is where we step in. Our energy solution is not only efficient, but also quiet, reliable and most of all: emission-free.
We help you out with our emission-free mobile power solutions. Anywhere you like. We design the cleanest energy setup possible for you. We integrate our software-driven batteries with other available energy sources on site, such as a small grid connection or solar panels. Our batteries are smart, quiet and most of all: they produce no emissions.
Our batteries can be used as a stand-alone energy source for your event. And in case you need more power, we can connect multiple batteries into a mega battery, or provide peak shaving with other energy assets such as grid connections, renewable energy sources or diesel generators. With thee options we are able to provide clean energy for events in whole Europe.