  • imageAlcoholic Beverages
  • imageApparel
  • imageApps
  • imageAttendee GHG App
  • imageAttendee Recharging
  • imageAudio Visual
  • imageBanners and Flags
  • imageBar Operators
  • imageBattery Systems
  • imageBinfrastructure
  • imageBooks
  • imageBranding Repurposing
  • imageBuilding Certifications
  • imageBulk Water Supplies
  • imageCampaigns
  • imageCatering
  • Cleaning
  • imageCleaning Supplies
  • imageCoffee Cup Recycling
  • imageCompost Toilets
  • imageComposting
  • imageConferences
  • imageCooking Oil Recovery
  • imageCreative Hire
  • imageCycling and Bike Parking
  • imageDecor
  • Dehydrator - Food Waste
  • imageDishwashing - Mobile
  • imageDisposable F&B Serviceware
  • imageDust Suppression
  • imagee-waste
  • e-Water Cleaning
  • imageEco-Edutainment
  • Eco-Label
  • imageElectric Site Transport
  • imageEnergy Efficiency
  • imageEnergy Floors
  • imageEvent GHG Tool
  • imageEvent Producers
  • imageEvent Standards, Certifications, Benchmarks
  • imageEvent Supplies
  • imageEvent Sustainability Organisations
  • imageEvent Waste Contractors
  • Exhibition Company
  • imageExhibition Displays
  • Exhibition Hire
  • Flooring
  • Food & Bev GHG Measurement
  • imageFood & Beverage
  • Food Items
  • imageFood Recovery
  • Food Trucks and Vendors
  • imageFuel & Fuel Systems
  • imageFurniture
  • imageGarden Games
  • imageGHG EF Databases
  • imageGHG Measurement
  • imageHardboard
  • imageHealth & Safety
  • imageHotel Certification
  • imageHybrid
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell
  • Inclusion/Accessibility
  • imageKinetic Energy
  • imageLanyards
  • imageLighting
  • imageLogistics
  • imageLook, Overlay, Signage
  • imageMarquees
  • imageMedical
  • imageMerch & Gifts
  • imageMobile Bar
  • imageMobile Generators
  • imageMobile Solar
  • imageMobility Planning
  • Navigation
  • imageNon-Alcoholic Beverage
  • imageOnsite Traders
  • imagePaint
  • imagePaper
  • imagePaperboard
  • imagePedal Power
  • imagePersonal Protective Equipment
  • Plant-Based
  • Plants & Flowers
  • Portable Buildings
  • imagePower
  • imagePower Efficiency Consultants
  • imagePrinted Floor
  • imagePrinted Wall Coverings
  • imagePrinting
  • imageProduction House
  • imagePyrotechnics
  • imageRecycling Services
  • imageRefrigeration
  • Reusable Bowls
  • imageReusable Cups
  • imageReusable F&B Serviceware
  • imageReusable Plates
  • Saas Platform
  • Saas Platform
  • imageSalvage
  • imageSecurity
  • imageSelf Adhesive
  • Sensory Inclusion Training
  • Sensory Kits
  • Sensory Rooms
  • imageSignage
  • imageSite Lighting
  • imageSite Transport
  • Social Waste Programmes
  • imageSoft Plastics Recycling
  • imageSound Systems
  • imageStandards, Certifications, Benchmarks
  • imageStructures & Stages
  • imageSupplier Databases
  • imageSustainability Consultants
  • imageSustainable Event Tools
  • Takeout Containers
  • imageTechnology
  • imageTents & Campsite Services
  • imageTextiles
  • imageTicketing & Accreditation
  • imageTimber
  • imageToilets
  • imageTraffic Management
  • imageTransport
  • imageUrinals
  • imageVacuum Flush
  • imageVenue Certifications
  • imageVirtual
  • imageVirtual Gift Bag
  • imageWaste & Resource Recovery
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Water Filtration
  • imageWater Generator
  • imageWater Refill
  • imageWater Treatment
  • imageWind

Results For Europe Listings

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mapMarkerGrey 140A Rue de Stalle...


Profile: NIYU has international experience and expertise in the 360° approach in planning and produc

mapMarkerGrey Ringbahnstrasse 12, 12099 Berl...

The Food Line-up

 Who we areWe are a creative and innovative catering agency. It’s our mission to let you discover be

mapMarkerGrey Danzigerkade 225B 1013 AR Amst...

4 Group


Adam Hall Group

Adam Hall Group is a global manufacturer and distributor of comprehensive event technology solution


Of course you want to organize an event as sustainably as possible. By using the solution that

mapMarkerGrey 51.583131288074966...


Battery storage generators for events. TheBattery Mobile is Alfen’s green alternative for diesel

Alma Sustainable Catering

Count with us and make it be a success!  Catering for every type of event. Are you&

Alma Sustainable Catering

Our food is chef-made daily from scratch and only include the freshest ingredients. We help you pla


Our main product are reusable cups for all kinds of events. We are a Portuguese company and we h

mapMarkerGrey Rua Jardins do Rodrigo nº2 3º ...

ATG – Alternative Technology Group

ATG Alternative Technology Group GmbH, located in Gloett (Bavaria, Southern Germany) was found


atmosfair is a German-based carbon offsetting company which has a fun to use GHG calculator. It doe

Beer Up

En ce moment profitez d'une offre exceptionnelle ! Repartez avec votre pack Beer Up pour seule

Belair Technology

Modular powerstations, amplifiers and accessories for emission-free events and more. REDUCE POLL

Belair Technology

Belair products enable an affordable transition to renewable energy for cultural, sporting and priva


We are an enthusiastic and international team specialized in compostable packaging material and dis


Disruptive at its core, BioPak was born from necessity. As a solution to a problem. To founders Ric


First and only Belgian event caterer certified 100% organic by Certisys, BIORGANIC is at your servi

mapMarkerGrey Chaussée de Ruisbroek 81, 1190...


The btlx provides creative content, a comprehensive IT structure, specially designed websites and c


CartonBuild designs sustainable exhibition and event concepts with offices in Barcelona and Madrid.

mapMarkerGrey calle Llull 51-55, 6º2ª...

Clean Cup

La machine Cleancup est actuellement en cours d’optimisation. Nos experts techniques y travaillent


French-based GHG tool most suitable for indoor events. It is in French and English. climeet.eve

Club Zero

Our Story - Why does CLUBZER0 exist? “Right now, eight million tonnes of plastic ends up in the

Copos Reutilizaveis

https://youtu.be/QE-PV5_foIo?list=TLGG56r0NMEUjE8wNzA0MjAyMg Reusable cup company based in Por

Cover Flooring

Sustainable floor covering solutions Cover Flooring is part of the Belgian textile group DS Tex

CTN Group

Events, textile architecture, site protection, space design, and visual merchandising. The CTN G

Cup Concept

Generally the customer pays a deposit and then receives this back when the cup is returned. It is a

Cup Stack

Een evenement is niet alleen maar een lekker feestje. We moeten ook denken aan de gezondheid, de

Cup to Drink

Wir dekorieren Ihre Becher im Digitaldruck, Siebdruck und In-Mould-Labeling. Ihren Gestaltungswünsc


It was never CupUp’s aim to be just a product or to stop the interaction with a client once the cup

d&b audiotechnik GmbH & Co KG

Professional audio solutions from d&b audiotechnik d&b provides professional audio solutions

mapMarkerGrey Eugen-Adolff-Straße 134...


Digital printable pvc-free wall covering Many substrates including: DESARDI® Eco Canvas 350g is late


ViziPrint Illuminate translucent matte PET film Night or day, ViziPrint Illuminate delivers an u

Dutch Cups

Missie van Dutch Cups is een veilig en duurzaam glas aan ieders lippen. Overal waar mensen gezellig

E-Waste Arcades

The Trash Hole transforms boring wheelie bins into a real experience at for example events, busines

E-waste Arcades

E-waste Arcades is a circular design studio specialised in making creative waste solutions. These i

ECOBoard Group

ECOBoards Standard panels are a hardboard made from the fibres, residues and by-products from harve


Ecobooth transforms plastic waste into meaningful experiences for environmentally conscious brands.

Ecocup Belgium

Le gobelet réutilisable Eco 30, fabriqué et imprimé en France est l'Ecocup le plus commercialisé. E

Ecocup France

LA RÉFÉRENCE DES GOBELETS RÉUTILISABLES Ecocup est spécialisé dans la vente et la location&


How it works? FOR USERS 1. Buy a glass Attendees at your event leave a deposit for the use


A leading provider of foodservice packaging made from renewable resources and post-consumer recycle


At Ecoverre we offer ecological solutions for events. From the purchase of personalised cups, plate


We manufacture and market Water Houses and Fountains for urbanisation, sports and entertainment site

mapMarkerGrey Av.Mediterráneo 11 - Pta 29 - ...


Event Flooring Solutions EFS Europe is a UK founded and based event flooring hire spec


In Ekomon we are pioneers in reusable plastic cups since 1998. After more than 20 year


Drinking Water Products Our drinking water solutions are designed to meet your needs and exceed

Event Cup

The reusable cup has become unavoidable in all types of events: festival, concert, s

Event Cups

Event Cups offers reusable plastic glasses for festivals, events, bars, sports cafes, and all other

Evolution Dome

Evolution Dome is the UK's leading inflatable structure hire and sales company. Catering to a corpo

Extra Power

Optimizing your energy As a professional partner, Extrapower designs, constructs, and maintains


herbruikbare drinkfles Kambukka Wij hebben nieuws ! Met volle fierheid en schel getrompette

Fielddrive Global

fielddrive helps event planners around the world to manage visitor flows: with the fastest check-in


innovative festivaltoiletten VERANSTALTUNGEN ZUKUNFTSFÄHIG GESTALTEN! Die meisten Sanitärsyst

Gem Tower

SPECS OF THE STAGE: Height = 21 metersBase diameter = 10 meters + 6 x 8 meters stage areaWind tu

GEM Tower

The GEM-Stage is a CO2-neutral stage that runs on wind & solar energy. From now on artists will

Genset Gelec

To continue to move forward in the development of high performance generators, to develop


GoodFuels is a pioneer, global market maker and market leader in truly sustainable biofuels. Our go


Offerte & planning opmaken Stap 1: Wij stellen met veel zorg een aangepaste offerte voor

Green Events

Green Events is an organization dedicated to driving environmental and social change in the events

Green Events NL

Green Events is here to help you in this moment of global transformation. Let’s start by mappin

Green Key International

Green Key International is an eco-certificate for tourism facilities awarded to over 6000 establish

Green Producers Tool

www.greenproducers.club/the-tool As with Nordic extreme waste segregation and excellence, they’v

Green T-Shirts



Greencup est spécialisé dans la commercialisation de gobelets réutilisables personnalisés 


WasteMaster: The Ultimate Food and Organic Waste Repurposing Technology Green Eco Technologies (

Greener Power Solutions

Powering your event the green way. Using sustainable power has a major impact on reducing your e


Greengiving is the specialist in eco-friendly promotional gifts. Our range consists of environmenta


Greenize Projects S.L.U. es una startup de ingeniería conformada por un equipo multidisciplinar y c


GRISDAINESE is an architecture, graphics and design firm that has been working for more than twenty

Hello Water

Clean water. That’s the foundation of any lively municipality. Gurgling streams, healthy outdoor ai

Iaorana Cup

We carry out a study of your needs and create a custom project. Our projects always take into accou

Impossible without Youth

#ImpossibleWithoutYouth is a not-for-profit initiative and carried out on a voluntary basis by its


Portable energy and power systems Advanced portable power supplies that break the mould. Ins

Klos To Nature

Willkommen bei eurem Partner für Produkte und Service rund um Komposttoiletten mit Herz. Macht mit


We turn the "human output" into a soil conditioner and thus close an important natural cycle. Ko

Label Yourself

Printed festival wristbands that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. Exclusive and soft


Lapee ensures a cleaner, safer, more efficient option for womxn to pee. No more endless lines at ou


Premium tableware to go - natural and compostable Take-away disposable with style - made from 10


Every single event follows a basic idea: To honour an occasion with an appropriate celebration

Lemon Pie

Since the founding of lemonpie in 2002, Johannes and Nicola Molderings, in cooperation with chef Er

Live Online Events

LiveOnlineEvents believes that we can make the world a better place if we help conference organizer


LOCOM is ISO 20121 sustainable event management consultant and internal auditor. We help eve

Madame Pee

It only took 30 minutes to create the desire to change a reality perceived as inevitable! 30 minute


Impact measurement BI & data storytelling for events.We integrate different data sources to meas

mapMarkerGrey Merihiemenkatu 8, Helsinki...


This Chilean-based measurement service uses a forms/survey approach to estimate attendee travel imp

mapMarkerGrey Merihiemenkatu 8, Helsinki...

Miss Wizz

MissWizz is the first urinal for women in which women can pee upright and contact free. This can


Traffic management has become a key part of successful crowd management strategy during a festival


Global leaders in temporary water solutions for events, expos, and industries for 35+ years. Wit

Music Declares Emergency

The power of music to promote the cultural change and create a better future. Through our N

My Climate

MyClimate is a Swiss-based carbon offsetting company which has a fun to use GHG calculator. It does


Neste collects cooking oil and other "waste" and converts it into a powerful diesel fuel that c

Networking Tables

NetworkTables Virtual is a software tool for event organizers to help their event attendees meet re

Nick Nack

Expert consulting We are delighted to share our long-term experience with you. We can advise you


Expert consulting We are delighted to share our long-term experience with you. We can advise you

Nordic Swan Ecolabel

The Nordic Ecolabel, also known as the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, is an official ecolabel that sets ambi

Nordic Wristbands

Nordic Wristbands is one of the oldest audience wristband suppliers in Europe. We’ve been servicing

Ocean Beer

Craft Beer brewed for a better planet, owned by the Ocean Born Foundation, and 100% of profits are


Are you an events caterer and have surplus food left over after each event? If so, join the OLIO Fo